. 拥有专业的出国留学咨询服务团队。
. Arkansas State University, ASU (美国阿肯色州立大学) 在中国大西北唯一的代办处。
. St. Bernard Preparatory School (美国圣伯纳预科中学) 在中国唯一的代办处。
. 提供美国,加拿大,日本,新加坡,韩国国立,私立大学,院校留学,带薪实习咨询服务。
. 最专业的英语培训课程,聘请香港以及外籍老师授课,满足学生的雅思考试,国内升学,单位晋级,出国留学,就业,移民需求。更附设日语和韩语培训服务。
Glace Education Center, Nanning is set up by experienced educators from Hong Kong. We have successfully assisted a large number of students and people from all walks of life to fulfill their dream of settling in the United States and other countries to continue their studies.
Our uniqueness
. The sole representative in China’s north western areas for Arkansas State University
. The sole representative in China for St. Bernard Preparatory School
Our areas of expertise
. Assistance in application for overseas studies
. Assist in application for on work training in the United States , Canada, Japan , Singapore and Korea
. We conduct English training classes using the most up- to- date teaching material run by highly qualified and experienced native English teachers and also teachers from Hong Kong experienced in teaching English to native Chinese students. Our classes aim at meeting the needs of those who wish to study overseas and those who seek job promotion. We also have English training classes for those who need to study English for immigration and employment
. We also have courses for Japanese and Korean language training
美国阿肯色州立大学 ww w.astate.edu
Glace Education Center, Nanning
9, Zhong Jian Lu, Asia International Building, Block 9, Unit 2, Room 1202
Qingxiu District, Nanning, Guangxi
电话(Tel):0771-461055 传真(Fax):0771-8047112 网址(Web):ww w.glaceedu.info |